And so it goes, the 2023 Maple Syrup season here at Waterfall Farm came to an abrupt, sticky-sweet, February halt on a day that felt more like May. The temperatures soared back into the 60’s this week, with no freeze in sight. With such, there was no bridging the gap to the next cold snap after all, and we are humbly reminded of the unpredictable nature of farming.
We finished up on Wednesday the 22nd after an all day “End-Game” boil where process not only the new sap that has come in, but also boil through everything in the evaporator. It was hard to believe that we were hanging it up for the year with nearly a week left in February. Even though the season ended two weeks earlier than last year, we made four more gallons of syrup in 2023 than we did in 2022. It was unusual for us to tap so early in the year, but good thing that we did, for the January sap runs turned out to be half of the season’s harvest.
Doug & Wheeler stand for a sunset selfie at the end of the last boil of the year. This is Doug’s 13th year sugaring, and Wheeler’s 10th year.
During the sugaring season, it can seem as though time accelerates and races along at a breakneck speed. And then, when the season ends, it feels like time somehow slows to crawl along for a bit. Similar to jet lag, it takes a few days to adjust. As we recollect, it is undeniable that each sugar season is different than any other. That is, after all, part of the allure. The anticipation of the next year’s prospect adds to the wonder and excitement of it all. All told, it was an unusual, but good year. We will rest up and have at it again in 2024.
Farmyard sitting idle after a busy season of sugaring.
We are pleased to announce the dates for our syrup release! Each year we wait until the conclusion of our sugar making season before we wade in to the work of sending it in your direction. If you would like to be in the loop then please subscribe to our newsletter. This is where we share all the details about when and where you can find our syrup. Thanks for following along!
Michael and Maeve sampling concentrated sap. Pretty good!